Articles & Information
Stropharia emerging from beneath young corn stalks. Chances are that if you have perused the Fungi Perfecti catalog or web site, you have probably heard of the "Garden Giant" mushroom (Stropharia rugoso-annulata). Additionally, if you have read mycologist and Fungi Perfecti...
Here in Olympia, Washington we've already had some well-deserved warm and sunny days which tend to lure us outdoors after a long wet Pacific Northwest winter. Upon strolling through the forest recently I noticed some young Oyster mushrooms emerging from...
After they have finished producing indoors, many of our indoor Mushroom Patches™ can be brought "back to life" through outdoor cultivation. When your Shiitake, Reishi or Oyster Mushroom Patch™ has run itself out indoors, the material that makes up the...
Reprinted from Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms by Paul Stamets, ©1994, all rights reserved. Permaculture is a concept pioneered by Australian Bill Mollison and literally means "permanent agriculture". His model of biological diversity and complementary agricultural practices promotes a sustainable environment via...
Dear Mushroom Enthusiast, Many people contact us to ask if they can make money growing gourmet mushrooms. We believe growing gourmet mushrooms can be marginally to highly profitable....but frankly, everyone's circumstances are so uniquely different it is impossible to generalize....
Mushrooms reproduce through spores. In the highly competitive natural world, the chances of mushroom spores germinating and then producing a mushroom are slim. Within a laboratory, isolated from airborne contamination, the probability of success is much improved. What a cultivator...