Spawn & Cultures
Fungi Perfecti offers ready-to-inoculate, pure mushroom spawn and cultures of over 25 different mushroom species. We maintain stock of these species for use as inoculum into bulk substrates.
This section of deals with sawdust/wood chip spawn, grain spawn, and cultures for those wishing to explore mushroom cultivation. If you are looking for Plug Spawn for log and stump cultivation for the home grower, click here.
21 products
Lion's Mane Grain Master Bag Blue Oyster Grain Master Bag Black Morel Grain Master Bag Pearl Oyster Grain Master Bag Hericium erinaceus Culture Shiitake Grain Master Bag Pink Oyster Grain Master Bag Reishi Grain Master Bag Lentinula edodes Culture - Solstice Strain Pleurotus ostreatus Culture Phoenix Oyster Grain Master Bag Pleurotus djamor Culture Ganoderma lucidum Culture Pioppino Grain Master Bag Maitake Grain Master Bag Pleurotus ostreatus var. columbinus Culture Agrocybe aegerita Culture Morchella angusticeps Culture Grifola frondosa Culture Nameko Grain Master Bag Pholiota nameko Culture